



tell application "iTunes"
	set theAlbumArtist to item 1 of album artist of selection
	set theAlbum to item 1 of album of selection
	set theArtist to item 1 of artist of selection
	set searchURL to "https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=" & theAlbum & "+" & theAlbumArtist & "&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X" as string
	tell application "Safari" to open location searchURL
end tell

display dialog "OK?"

tell application "Safari"
	set html to (source of document 1)
	set the clipboard to html
end tell

set imageInfo to devText(html, "画像検索結果")
set imageInfo to rest of imageInfo
set imageHeight to {}
set imageWidth to {}
repeat with i from 1 to 20
	set end of the imageHeight to (item 1 of devText((item 2 of devText(item i of imageInfo, "\"oh\":")), ","))
end repeat

repeat with i from 1 to 20
	set end of the imageWidth to (item 1 of devText((item 2 of devText(item i of imageInfo, "\"ow\":")), ","))
end repeat

repeat with i from 20 to 1 by -1
	if (item i of imageHeight > 400) and (item i of imageWidth > 400) and (((item i of imageHeight) / (item i of imageWidth) < 1.1) or ((item i of imageHeight) / (item i of imageWidth > 0.9))) then
		--display dialog i & "," & (item i of imageHeight as text) & "," & item i of imageWidth as text
		set getNumber to i
	end if
end repeat

set imageUrl to item 1 of devText((item 2 of devText(item getNumber of imageInfo, "\"ou\":\"")), "\"")

set theDestination to "ダウンロードする場所を指定する"
set thePath to theDestination & ":" & theAlbum & ".png"
do shell script "curl -L " & imageUrl & " -o \"" & POSIX path of thePath & "\""
set targetImageFile to thePath
tell application "iTunes"
	set theTrack to selection
	repeat with i in theTrack
		set data of artwork 1 of i to (read (file targetImageFile) as picture)
	end repeat
end tell

on devText(theText, aDelimiter)
	set tmp to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to aDelimiter
	set theList to every text item of theText
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tmp
	return theList
end devText

1.iTunesでアルバムアートを適用したいアルバムをcmd + クリックで青色にする.

