


Twitter Scripterを使わせてもらいました


tell application "Finder" to delete tmpfile


tell application "Finder"
	delete tmpfile
end tell


global sendText
tell application "iTunes"
	set theArtist to artist of current track
	set theAlbum to album of current track
	set theName to name of current track
	set sendText to "♪" & theArtist & "/" & theName & " /" & theAlbum & " #nowplaying" as text
	if (count of artwork of current track) ≥ 1 then
		set artworkExists to true
		set anArtwork to raw data of artwork 1 of current track
		tell application "iTunes" to tell artwork 1 of current track
			set d to raw data
			if format is «class PNG » then
				set x to "png"
				set x to "jpg"
			end if
		end tell
		(((path to pictures folder) as text) & "cover." & x)
		set b to open for access file result with write permission
		set eof b to 0
		write d to b
		close access b
		set artworkExists to false
	end if
end tell

tell application "Finder"
	set appPath to (path to applications folder)
	set thisFolder to appPath as string
	if "Pashua:Pashua.app:" exists then
		-- Looks like the Pashua disk image is mounted. Run from there.
		set customLocation to "Pashua:"
		-- Search for Pashua in the standard locations
		set customLocation to ""
	end if
end tell

	set thePath to alias (thisFolder & "Pashua.scpt")
	set pashuaBinding to load script thePath
	tell pashuaBinding
		-- Display the dialog
			set pashuaLocation to getPashuaPath(customLocation)
			if artworkExists is true then
				set dialogConfiguration to my getDialogConfiguration((((path to pictures folder) as text) & "cover." & x))
				set dialogConfiguration to my getDialogConfiguration((((path to pictures folder) as text) & "cover_not.png"))
			end if
			set theResult to showDialog(dialogConfiguration, customLocation)
			if {} = theResult then
			else if cb of theResult is not "1" then
				tell application "Twitter Scripter"
					if artworkExists is true then
						tweet sendText & return & tf of theResult using account pop of theResult with image (((path to pictures folder) as text) & "cover." & x)
					else if artworkExists is false then
						tweet sendText & return & tf of theResult using account pop of theResult
					end if
				end tell
			end if
		end try
	end tell
end try

-- Returns the configuration string for an example dialog
on getDialogConfiguration(pashuaLocation)
	if pashuaLocation is not "" then
		set img to "img.type = image
	          img.x = 320
	          img.y = 90
			  img.maxwidth = 128
			  img.tooltip = Album Art
	          img.path =" & (POSIX path of pashuaLocation) & return
		set img to ""
	end if
	return "
# Set window title
*.title = Currently playing...

# Introductory text
txt.type = text
txt.label = Track/Album Info
txt.default =" & sendText & return & "
txt.height = 10
txt.width = 300
txt.x = 0
txt.y = 160
#txt.tooltip = This is an element of type “text”

# Add a cancel button with default label
cb.type = cancelbutton
cb.label = Cansel

# Add a text field
tf.type = textfield
tf.label = 
tf.default = 
tf.width = 300
tf.tooltip = This is an element of type “textfield”

# Add a popup menu
pop.type = popup
pop.label = Tweet Account
pop.width = 300
pop.option = 
pop.option = 
pop.default = 
pop.tooltip = This is an element of type “popup”

db.type = defaultbutton
db.label = Tweet
" & img
end getDialogConfiguration