



tell application "iTunes"
	--set theSelctionAlbum to a reference to selection
	set theAlbum to item 1 of album of selection
	set theArtist to item 1 of album artist of selection
	set searchURL to "https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=" & theAlbum & "+" & theArtist & "&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X" as string
	tell application "Google Chrome" to open location searchURL
	tell application "Google Chrome"
		--display dialog "Please Wait"
		delay 5
		tell window 1
			tell active tab
				loading_confirm(20) of me
				set theNumber to execute javascript "document.images.length"
				if theNumber > 30 then
					set theNumber to 30
				end if
				set theURL to ""
				set theFlag to 0
				repeat with i from 1 to theNumber
						set theHeight to execute javascript "document.images[" & (i as string) & "].height"
						set theWidth to execute javascript "document.images[" & (i as string) & "].width"
						set theSrc to execute javascript "document.images[" & (i as string) & "].src"
						set theCounter to (count of theSrc)
						--display dialog theCounter
						if (theHeight > 200) and (theWidth > 200) and (theCounter > 500) then
							set theBase64 to theSrc
							set theFlag to 1
							if (count of theSrc) > (count of theBase64) then
								set theBase64 to theSrc
							end if
						else if (theHeight > 200) and (theWidth > 200) and (theCounter < 500) then
							set theURL to theSrc
							set theFlag to 2
						end if
					end try
				end repeat
			end tell
                               close active tab
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

set theDestination to "" --your path
set thePath1 to theDestination & "/" & theAlbum & ".txt"
set thePath2 to theDestination & "/" & theAlbum & ".png"
if theFlag is 1 then
	set theBase64Ref to refTextByDelimiters(theBase64)
	tell application "Finder"
		set theTextFile to open for access thePath1 with write permission
		set theEOF to get eof of theTextFile
			write theBase64Ref starting at (theEOF + 1) to theTextFile
		on error theErrorText
			display dialog theErrorText
		end try
		close access theTextFile
	end tell
	do shell script "base64 -D " & thePath1 & " -o " & thePath2
        do shell script "rm " & thePath1
else if theFlag is 2 then
	do shell script "curl -L " & theURL & " -o " & POSIX path of thePath2
else if theFlag is 0 then
	display dialog "Cannot find an artwork of " & theAlbum
end if

on refTextByDelimiters(theText)
	set tmp to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
	set refText to last text item of (theText as string)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tmp
	return refText
end refTextByDelimiters

on loading_confirm(time_out)
	delay 2
	repeat with i from 1 to the time_out
		tell application "Google Chrome"
			tell window 1
				tell active tab
					if (execute javascript "document.readyState") is "complete" then
						return true
					else if i is the time_out then
						return false
						delay 1
					end if
				end tell
			end tell
		end tell
	end repeat
	return false
end loading_confirm